“A One Direction Hanukkah” or “The Ugly Hanukkah Sweater Song”
This Hanukkah collaboration between Erez Cohen, Six13, A.K.A. Pella, & The Y Studs is probably pretty good but it’s hard to tell what with all the ugly Hanukkah sweaters that are all over this video! Talk about distracting… You too can wear the same ugly Hanukkah apparel worn by the guys and dolls in this clip by visiting the following:
Tipsy Elves: http://www.tipsyelves.com
Gelt Fiend: http://www.geltfiend.com
FauxReal Apparel: http://www.fauxrealshirt.com
TheSweaterstore.com: http://thesweaterstore.com
Midrash Manicures: http://midrashmanicures.com/product/hanukkahleggings/
Finally, since I mentioned the ugly sweaters SO much, I guess it’s only fair to mention that this video was sponsored by the Manhattan Jewish Experience – a New York based organization who holds an annual Hanukkah party. They added a video challenge whereby if you count the number of times the word “light(s)” is sung and enter it spelled out as a code into the eventbrite page, you’ll get two tickets for the price of one. You can get tickets by clicking here.