Barrister Natasha Hausdorff is a guest on the Tiggernometry podcast where she argues, among other things, that there is no genocide, no Apartheid and no occupation in Gaza. Hausdorff talks to her hosts, stand-up comics Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster, in a sober and authoritative manner, and buttresses her arguments with the letter of the […]

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“Screams Before Silence,” is a documentary that exposes Hamas’ use of rape and sexual violence against Israeli women. Sheryl Sandberg, formerly Facebook’s COO created a film that showcased the mass sexual violence against women perpetrated by Hamas on Oct. 7. In the documentary, Sandberg captures firsthand accounts of survivors and freed hostages regarding their reality […]

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The Israel Gaza War has brought to light many things. For instance, many condemn Israel for allegedly besieging Gaza and preventing the free flow of people and goods. Yet these same people ignore the fact that Gaza has a border with Egypt, and that Egypt also prevents its fellow Arabs from freely moving in and […]

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It’s got to be like, a million, zillion years old, right? Jesus was Palestinian right? He must have owned a Palestinian flag, right? Right? So here we get a 4-minute lesson on the history of the Palestinian flag and the awesomeness of Watermelon. And Hummus. Let\s go!

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Known only as the Lady in Red, hers was one of the iconic images from the October 7th massacre. The world saw a young woman, running for her life as Hamas gunmen murdered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped young people attending a peace-themed rave. People around the world wondered what had ever happened to her – […]

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The Supernova festival was a desert peace themed rave that was attacked by Hamas terrorists in the early hours of October 7, 2023. More than 360 people were killed. Many were raped and tortured and at least 40 more were taken hostage back to Gaza. Michal and Mazal describe how they survived the attack for […]

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Eden Golan will represent Israel in the 2024 Eurovision song contest with a song called Hurricane. Israel’s original entry was called October Rain and was banned for being too political. It contained lyrics like “Someone stole the moon tonight / Took my light / Everything is black and white / Who’s the fool who told you […]

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This video features Birkat Kohanim, or the Priestly Blessing that took place at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Descendants of the first High Priest, Aaaron gather at the foot of the Western Wall in order to bless the assembled and all of Israel and the Jews. In this case, it took place during […]

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Covid 19 restrictions have made travel impossible to much of the world. So we took a 360 camera and brought it to Mahane Yehuda to show you what a quick jaunt through Israel’s largest outdoor market is like. This was taken last Friday while Israel was under its 3rd lockdown. People are still shopping but […]

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There are so many different ways to experience Jerusalem. You can experience it through the bible, or you can experience it through the many books about Jerusalem, or you can do what countless pilgrims in the past have done and actually go there and experience it first hand. Sadly, that last option is no longer […]

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