Israeli Chocolate Soufflé

What makes this Chocolat Soufflé particularly Israeli? Because it was made in the state-of-the-art culinary facilities at the Eilat campus of Ben Gurion University for starters! The recipe is simple and a gluten free departure from most soufflé recipes, but after the shoot, I ate it and it was delicious! The Culinary School, in conjunction with LIROM – Study in Israel, offers a special English language one-year program that includes room and board, swimming pool, touring in Israel and internships at Eilat’s top hotels. All this at a fraction of the price of similar cooking schools in North America, even before you factor in the included room and board. For more information visit Lirom’s Culinary School Web site. This really is a great alternative to North American cooking schools because it includes everything – great instructors, great facilities, real-world work experience, 3-meals a day, a place to live, trips around Israel and again – all this at a fraction of the price of Culinary schools in North America – even when you don’t factor in the room and board. It’s actually a really sweet deal – in more ways than one.

By the way, I tried this recipe at home and folks were all, “WTF dude. WTF!” Very popular dessert indeed! We appreciate all Facebook likes and shares!


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