Shoutin’ Out Zion: Matt Bar ft. Kosha Dillz

Matt Barr is the founder of Bible Raps “a non-profit born from Matt’s desire to engage his Hebrew School classes on a deeper and more contemporary level than the way they were being taught at the time. After being turned on to Torah learning while on a Livnot trip to Israel in 2006, Bar launched Bible Raps via his participation in the PresenTense Institute during the summer of 2007. He continued to further his Jewish education during his 2008 year of study at The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. Since its inception, Bible Raps has reached tens of thousands of young Jews with Torah-rich performances in schools, Hillels, conferences and camps across the US and abroad. Their teaching materials are being used in countless classrooms and teachers are currently being trained to be certified Bible Raps educators.”

And Kosha Dillz? Probably one of the finest freestyle rappers of this generation.

Together they star in this awesome video about… uh… Jewish stuff. Like the centrality of Zion in Western culture. Is Zion an idea? Is Zion an actual, physical place? Is it both? Matt lives in Jerusalem and Kosha lives in LA and both are inspired by Zion so there might be something to that question. No seriously, think about it in a way that doesn’t require me to spoon feed you my own ideas. Think about concepts like spiritual elevation, divine covenants and chosenness and the intersection of physical and metaphysical.

Or just enjoy the beats, yo!


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