Wet, Hot Israeli Summer

Tel Aviv is an awesome city. It is Israel’s cultural and artistic center, the capital of partying, eating well and Mediterranean beach life. But come August the relentless heat can sometimes get to your head. Thus, once a year, in the waning days of summer, the iconic Habima Theatre hosts a cathartic water battle supreme at its water fountain. For a few hours, Tel Avivians in all manner of costumes, wielding a broad selection of water weaponry, shpritz the heck out of each other turning the city center into a veritable Waterpocalypse Now. The Habima fountain, located at the intersection of Rothschild, Hen, Dizengoff and Ben Zion uses recycled water so this battle is non-fatal, refreshing and politically correct. Also all the water helps rinse away the smell of cat pee and rotting trash. Yay Tel Aviv rules!


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