New Israeli Immigrants try Crazy Israeli Doughnuts for the First Time

Israel is funny with the doughnuts. For most of the year, there are no doughnuts in Israel. No doughnut shops, no coffee carts selling doughnuts, no cops munching on doughnuts, nothing. But then, one month before Hanukkah, a holiday celebrated in part by the consumption of oily foods, Israel witnesses a veritable explosion of doughnuts! Of course there are the pedestrian 5 for 10 shekel Jelly-filled, sugar powder covered doughnuts. But then there are also the doughnuts that are at the height, the very apex, of doughnut technology. Israeli consumers have a dizzying choice of exotic flavors as well as injectable flavor doughnuts and crazy toppings. These doughnuts are not available anywhere else in the world and might confuse and even frighten the many new immigrants that come to Israel every year. As such, Nefesh B’Nefesh presents this video in order to inform and acclimate new immigrants to Israel’s unique doughnut culture.

Yeah. Passion Fruit doughnuts even. Welcome to Israel.


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