How To Get The Girl: Nice Jewish Boy Edition
August 12, 2015 10:03 pm
Micky Shiloah shows you how to find love, marriage, and family in 7 easy steps. What’s unclear is if these steps will work for anyone or if you have to be a nice Jewish boy for the methodology to work. This video is all kinds of confusing, but I’ll hold off on the commentary and let you come to your own conclusions.
“Nice Jewish Boy” is inspired by the SNL (Saturday Night Live) Digital Shorts Music Videos. The main character, Stanley Goldman, was created by Micky during his time at the Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios in Los Angeles. Micky currently performs with an improv and comedy troupe, The MaD JaCKRaTS, formed by Lauren Patrice Nadler and produced by Tina Orloff.
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Category: Comedy