Eurovision? Bassa Sababa!
Tel Aviv is hosting Eurovision 2019 after Israeli Netta Barzilai’s 2018 win with Not Your Toy. Apparently things are going a bit roughly for the organizers – tickets have gone unsold and the expected tourism bonanza has not turned out as expected, possibly because of the high ticket prices, the recent barrage of Hamas and Islamic Jihad missiles from Gaza and/or the incessant BDS calls for a boycott from all the usual suspects. But whatever! I’ve seen busloads of Eurovision buses and tourists in Jerusalem, and it’s going to be a good time no matter what! Netta Barzilai’s latest single Bassa Sababa translates as follows: Bassa means “Bummer” and Sababa means “Cool!” – So… all the Eurovision negativity is a bummer, but Israel knows how to persist and it’s gonna be super fucking cool! As such, this clip is perfect – Screw you haters.
Also, if you haven’t seen this clip before… prepare yourself for some super weird awesomeness.