Radio Host Howard Stern and Adam Sandler share a special Jewish connection when they both recite the Bracha on the Torah together. Stern and Sandler prove they still have it.

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Bari Weiss, a New York Times editor, speaks to Bill Maher about her new book, How to Fight Anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism in America.

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Jerusalem Day is a day that celebrates the reunification of Jerusalem after the 6-Day war in 1967. Prior to that, Jerusalem was a divided city under Jordan’s control since the aftermath of the War of Independence in 1948 when the Jordanian Army kicked all Jews out of the Jewish Quarter of the Old […]

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Israelis don’t really understand American Jews. They don’t understand their interests, they don’t understand the way they manifest their Judaism, they don’t even understand their eating habits. As such, Kan, Israel’s public broadcaster, sent their reporter Oriel Danielson into the deep South, presumably to find the most American Jews and see what they were into. […]

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Just in time for Passover 2019, Director Nina Paley has publicly released the full version of her Passover musical animation Seder Masochism . Clocking in at nearly 2-hours, this is not a quickie clip – though parts of this film have been made into such clips. It’s long. It’s sometimes painful. It’s […]

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In the future, we’ll all probably be ruled by robots. We’ll look back on these days with longing as the last time we were free and didn’t have to do the bidding of our robot masters. We’ll look back at videos like these and think how naive we were. Yeah sure, a nerd produced video […]

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Give the guy credit, in a year that has seen the Israeli Prime Minister fighting all kinds of accusations of corruption and shenanigans, a year where he has lead a government that seems hell bent on chipping away at Israel’s democratic nature, well… his office managed to put out a pretty funny and surprisingly self-deprecating […]

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Usually as Passover approaches, we are either cleaning out our house from food that’s not kosher for Passover, or buying food that is kosher for Passover… and on Passover itself, we eat and eat and eat. Stellar Nova however, does things differently. First of all they create gender-balanced games and stories to inspire kids to […]

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Purim is a Jewish holiday where we are encouraged to get stoopid drunk, dress in drag, eat ear shaped cookies and more. Mayim Bialik explains everything. Feel free to forward this to your non-Jewish friends. It’s funny and informative and then at the end, Mayim gets all zen on us. I was duly entertained because, […]

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This is the official trailer of a film called Wendy’s Shabbat. It’s about a group of Jewish retirees who meet at a Wendy’s in Palm Desert, California every Friday night in order to celebrate the Sabbath together. The staff sets everything up for them ahead of time, and someone brings grape juice (no alcohol allowed […]

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