This clip was produced by BBC3. I don’t know what the 3 means but apparently, they are the part of the British Broadcasting Company, who, as part of their mission, are responsible for the production of idiotic YouTube videos. For the Queen. Ok, I don’t know if these are actually for the Queen, but how […]

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She’s a shmoozer. She loves to feed you. She’s direct. She’s not a pushover, etc. This clickbaity BuzzFeed video clip titled “Perks Of Dating A Jewish Girl,” purports to let those who care, know about all the awesome Jewy benefits of dating a Jewish girl. Any Jewish girl. I am fairly sure I have heard […]

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Hanukkah is rapidly approaching and Ruvane, along with rappery Kosha Dillz, have released their song “Spark.” Spark? Get it? It’s release close to the Jewish Festival of Lights is no coincidence. Ruvane released this commentary about the song: A single spark in a dark room. Potential, intrigue, hope…spark. The United States of America was designed […]

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Talking politics or religion was always discouraged in polite company. The idea was that these divisive topics would create unpleasant disagreements whose tone and timber would be unacceptable. As much as this has always been the case, it seems like current political and religious discourse has never been more divisive. It seems as if folks […]

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Congratulations go out to Rachel Bloom and the CW after nabbing 4 Emmy nominations for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: best choreography, best original music and lyrics , as well as best original main-title theme music and best single-camera picture editing for a comedy series. Sadly Rachel got dissed and didn’t get a […]

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What if there was an app that could tell you where to find the nearest Shiva house? OK, let me explain. When a Jew dies, their closest relatives have to mourn for 7 days. This involves, among other things, being housebound for seven days in the “Shiva House.” Mourners are not supposed to cook so […]

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Alicia Wilbur is pretty much the only female, Jewish enologist or wine scientist from Herzog Wineries . Jay Buchsbaum is a well-known Wine Educator from the Royal Wine Company. Together they taste four late harvest wines from California: Late Harvest Clarksburg Chenin Blanc, Late Harvest Monterey County White Riesling, Late Harvest Orange […]

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This whole Jews eating at Chinese restaurants on Christmas eve thing is so common and so well established, that its become a veritable cliché. Single Jews can go to their local MatzoBall party, religious/kosher Jews can eat out at the same kosher establishments they always eat at, but for the majority of non-practicing North-American Jews […]

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What’s with all the cheese on Shavuot thing? Shavuot is the holiday that commemorates “Zman Matan Torah” – the time when the Jews received the Torah from God at Mount Sinai. Prior to this, Jewish law wasn’t codified. That means that Jews didn’t keep kosher because there were no kosher laws. Thus, as soon as […]

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Writing this review in the middle of Passover, one would think a movie about yet even more Matzo is more of an American nightmare than an American dream. However, while all my meals this week involve Matzo, unleavened bread is just part of the story related by Michael Levine’s documentary Streit’s: Matzo and the American […]

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