Comedy Central’s hit show about two young Jewish women, Broad City, shows how they struggle with fasting on Yom Kippur and the difficulties of waiting until sunset to break the fast. Granted, there’s something perverse about breaking your Yom Kippur fast with a bacon, egg and cheese bagel, but as the girls noted at the […]
Read moreThe Jewish debaters in this clip are surprisingly passionate about their positions. Some Jews clearly suffer from Christmas envy and that’s sad. It’s sad because it’s not even envy for the Christian religion, but rather envy for the superficial and materialistic trappings of Christmas – said trappings, which include things like Christmas trees, baked ham, […]
Read moreThe title says it all. And because this is a BuzzFeed video, the opportunity to promote knowledge and understanding was sacrificed for the sake of LOLs. Basically, BuzzFeed got a group of 6 Jews to agree to spend a week eating only Kosher food. To help them along they provided a two-page guide on the […]
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