Go to Israel for Free with Birthright Israel

Make 2016 the year you take advantage of an amazing opportunity to visit Israel. If you’re between the ages of 18-26 and have never been to Israel before on a peer based trip (some exceptions apply, see the Birthright Web site for details) then you may be able to go to Israel this year for free! Birthright Israel offers a 10-day trip and includes all touring, accommodations and at least 2 meals a day. While you don’t have a lot of free time during this intense trip, we strongly urge you to extend your trip so that you can revisit some of your favorite places at a more relaxed pace. To apply and for more information go and visit birthrightisrael.com/go. There you’ll find most of the information you’ll need but if you want even more, we urge you to visit Jewlicious for The Unofficial Guide to Sex on Birthright Israel, The Unofficial Guide to Drugs on Birthright Israel and The Unofficial 13 Dos and Don’ts of Birthright Israel.


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